The Consuming Embrace: How MAGA Solidifies Its Grip on American Evangelicalism


In a recent book by Tim Alberta titled “The Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory,” the author delves into the impact of the Christian nationalist movement on American evangelicalism. The narrative unfolds with preachers and activists within the religious right expressing reservations about their unwavering support for Donald Trump, a figurehead of the MAGA movement.

One prominent figure, Robert Jeffress, the senior pastor at First Baptist Dallas, often referred to as “Trump’s Apostle,” confessed to a moment of introspection in 2021. Jeffress admitted that his role as a political theological advocate may have compromised his spiritual mission, prompting an internal dialogue with himself and, as he put it, “perhaps” with God. This sentiment became more pronounced as the evangelical base faced repercussions in the 2022 elections due to voter aversion to MAGA-aligned candidates.

Mike Evans, a former member of Trump’s evangelical advisory board, shared his disillusionment in an essay sent to The Washington Post. He recounted leaving a Trump rally in tears, witnessing Bible believers elevating Trump to an almost idolatrous status. Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, acknowledged Trump’s role in standing up to perceived adversaries of evangelicals but expressed concern over the president’s at times excessive approach.

The aftermath of the 2022 elections showcased growing disquiet within the evangelical leadership. Despite initial hopes for a post-Trump religious right, it appears that MAGA has not only persisted but also strengthened its grip on the movement.

As the Iowa caucuses approach, Trump’s dominance remains palpable. His lead in the polls is substantial, surpassing his Republican rivals by more than 30 points according to FiveThirtyEight’s polling average. This overwhelming support signifies a continued alliance between Trump’s brand of politics and the religious conservatives who play a crucial role in Iowa’s political landscape.

The resurgence of MAGA’s influence on American evangelicalism underscores the challenges faced by leaders who initially saw their alliance with Trump as transactional. What started as a tactical partnership evolved into an uneasy association that now threatens to engulf the movement entirely. The looming question is whether evangelical leaders can navigate a path forward that transcends the overwhelming influence of MAGA, or if the movement will remain firmly under its sway for the foreseeable future.